• Tunisia, July 23th 2024 - 18:23:51
  • ENG


Poulina Group Holding is a group of men and women who are working together to accomplish a common ambition: the one of building a modern company, which would give honor to our country, which would be up to par in quality management and efficiency with the companies of the most developed countries.

It is a structure able to mobilize thousands of men and of women who develop common values, who create wealth and who set up a healthy corporate culture.

Our Values

Motivation and Mobilization

Poulina Group Holding is a group of men and women who are working together to accomplish a common ambition: the one of building a modern company, which would give honor to our country, which would be up to par in quality management and efficiency with the companies of the most developed countries.It is a structure able to mobilize thousands of men and of women who develop common values, who create wealth and who set up a healthy corporate culture.


• All employees of Poulina Group Holding are considered as honorable people unless proven otherwise. The top management of Poulina Group Holding will defend its integrity internally as well as externally.
• In case of an incident, Poulina Group Holding will be intransigent, although the top management will be as discreet as possible and will try to find the most human solutions possible.
• All employees must warn top management of all elements that risk marring the integrity of Poulina Group Holding and its employees.
• For delicate functions such as purchases and sales, the persons guarantee in writing the integrity of their behavior.


• All employees of Poulina Group Holding are considered as persons perfectly able to take on the tasks and the functions of the elaborated common contract. This person is able to bear errors, to recognize them in public, to accept the critics even in public and to learn from errors in order to develop.
• All employees must be capable to present the facts in all objectivity, and not omit facts in order to reach a result.
• All employees are invited and encouraged to present suggestions for improvement in all domains (work, social life, environment, etc) in order to develop the business.


• Due to the size and structure of Poulina Group Holding, a merit system is the unique system that assures objectivity in evaluations, accuracy in the decisions of allocation of responsibilities as well as the equity in the remuneration.
• At Poulina Group Holding, all persons can attain any position regardless of his/her age, sex, region or country. The accession to a position is available only according to competences and will.
• The results, the added value and competences are the only elements that determine the position and the responsibilities of the employees.
• Poulina Group Holding has placed an enormous amount of resources and means to develop a system of objective evaluations based on results and competences. It is proud to have perfected one of the most efficient evaluation systems that continues to encourage its managers to participate in its development.
• Poulina Group Holding believes firmly in the capacity of its managers to use the different systems of evaluation to evaluate their added value and the appropriateness of their competences in comparison with the position they are responsible for. All employees continually, without losing sight of their results, know to place themselves in comparison with the mission that they are capable of bearing in the business.


• Poulina Group Holding has placed an enormous amount of resources and means to develop a system of powerful, accessible information by all persons in the framework of his/her work. All of the financial and economical data of the business are accessible internally and even externally when the need is justified.
• Poulina Group Holding developed a system of rules and procedures in coherence with the legislation as well as the rules of the market. Everyone at Poulina Group Holding is held responsible for applying procedures, to master them perfectly and is encouraged to participate in their development and their adaptation to different contexts.
• Anyone can contact by telephone, in writing or make an appointment with the top management of Poulina Group Holding at any time.
• The offices of the persons in charge are opened and accessible to anyone when the need is justified.

Hunt the “Barony”

• At Poulina Group Holding, all employees must continually question themselves, develop and adapt to the market and to the environment in order to always fulfill the needs of their job title or function. Different elements in the system of evaluation, such as the evaluation by group of reference and a system that measures performance help the person in this direction.
• Poulina Group Holding fights against the clan development within the business. This, among others, is why it has set up different canals of communication (meetings, accessible information system, etc.) and that it forbids the recruitment of close relatives within the same subsidiary.
• Poulina Group Holding fights against the creation of systematic benefits associated to a position or a job function (office surface, number of secretaries, special restaurant, car-).
• The structure of Poulina Group Holding is a flexible structure where the job functions and the responsibilities change with the evolution of the business and its environment. The titles are there just as a definition and for an effective communication at the work.
• Poulina Group Holding considers that it is not legitimate for an employee to remain in his/her job in which he/she can no longer fulfill the job obligations. It will do all to allow this person in charge to redevelop himself or herself and to find a better suited job function. Thus, Poulina Group Holding safeguards the interests of the person and business.

Management by objective

• Poulina Group Holding considers that anything that is not measurable is not manageable. Consequently, it has set up a system that allows to measure performance in the most objective manner possible.
• For all required work, the planned objectives and results must clearly be given in writing as well as the elements used to measure the results. The completed work will receive an evaluation and feedback.
• The relations between operational units and subsidiaries must be as much as possible like true customers-suppliers relations.

Quality of Life at Work

• Poulina Group Holding tries to set up a work environment suitable for development and productivity: healthy and varied meals, functional offices, greenery etc.
• The employees of Poulina Group Holding must give the example of body cleanliness, cleanliness of the workplace, organization of their office, responsible management of water, energy and supplies.
• Our offices must be organized and our system of organization of documents must be simple, effective and standardized.
• Our offices are used for professional meetings that must be as brief and effective as possible.
• We evaluate the quality of life at work through the system named 5S.

Respect of the Environment

• Poulina Group Holding must set the example at a country level for a clean environment at work at all levels (offices, toilets, factories, parking lot). This clean environment is the responsibility of all.
• Poulina Group Holding is a pioneer regarding the recycling of solid and liquid waste of its factories; it does not stop developing innovating solutions for this. Membership
• The goal is to create a common organ that gathers all of the employees without distinction and to make them feel they are part of the same family. In this framework the CEO, the general managers, the managers, the workers, the custodians, etc., meet.


• All employees of Poulina Group Holding, including the directors and the CEO, are equal regarding the internal regulation. The clocking in or the smoke ban are clear examples that symbolize our devotion in respect to time, to discipline and the environment.
• Poulina Group Holding considers that to be late for meetings is disrespectful to others and against its corporate culture and its principles, and has set up a system of motivation and sanction to avoid it.
• All information is not valid unless communicated in writing. The written form must be as brief and clear as possible.

• All employees who receive in writing a document or a message are responsible for replying in the briefest delays and according to a system of direct follow-up developed by top-management.

Training and development

• In order to master the work, every employee is held responsible for self-training, for reading and staying informed outside of working hours. Specific training sessions are offered according to specific needs and with results expected from them.
• An important library of anthologies selected over the years by the directors of the group is at the disposal of the entire personnel.